08 August 2024

Rocky Mountain National Park 2024

I was going to call this blog entry Colorado 2024. Actually was. But then I realized, oh man, we've been to Colorado this year twice already. So to be more specific, we're going back to Rocky Mountain National Park, homebasing out of our usual Valhalla resort in Estes Park.

This was one of those ideas that 1-2 years prior, when it was planned, it made sense on paper. But packing all this travel into one month, having just gotten back from the 50th state...we might have skipped it (two days home, then back out again!). But it was fun, so let's get started. We stopped at this rest stop and I meant to get a pic of Peter in this spot (his first roadtrip with us, at a year and a half old, started out with a stop here), but they had moved away walking the dog by the time I got there.

The drive was as boring as you could hope, Kansas is wide and seemingly interminable, and eastern Colorado is just Kansas+. One notable event was a jelly-bean-induced loss of a crown while I was driving. We saved it. More on that later.

We were actually taking the dog this time! But we planned to have dinner in Denver, so in order to make that happen, we booked "doggy day care", which worked great. Young couple living in a fancy apartment not far from our destination...they both work from home and do pet-sitting, which is a nice setup! Stopping in the adjoining park, I spotted an interesting memorial...

A memorial to subs (and one in particular, the Grayling) lost at sea. Similar to one I ran across in Seal Beach.

And yes...it's THAT restaurant!

Meanwhile the pet sitters were texting us pictures of Odin.

It's our second time back to Casa Bonita since reopening, and the timing worked out perfectly for us with our trip.

You order your food up front and they carry it to your table for you.

If Rancho del Zocalo is the Mexican restaurant of Disneyland, this place is the Disneyland of Mexican restaurants.

Apparently Odin was methodically bringing all the toys out and putting them on the dog bed. The kids loved all the status texts of Odin.

People making corn tortillas fresh!

With food at our table. Pete got chicken strips (surprise!), Gretchen got the taco salad, I got the suadero (brisket) and Debra got the enchiladas (Christmas style). We ordered such with an agreement that we would share some of our entree with each other (Debra and I), and while the beef was fine, she definitely had the better entree, so from now on, it has to be the enchiladas.

A travelling tableside magician showing us a ring trick while the kids ate sopaipillas. Debra had to run out to the car so she missed him.

This was after Gretchen raised the flag a second time for...more sopaipillas. Given how much of their entree they left alone, some mild shaming was warranted. I dunno though, sopaipilla overconsumption is kind of its own punishment sometimes (as members of the family have found out).

They moved the Cartman shrine to a new spot, right around the corner from us.

People gathering around the main area for a dive show...

Off they go...

Went downstairs and more cliffdivers in flight (liable to get wet down here).

After dinner magic show with Sorsoro.

I wonder if this is a new show or is similar to what it was prior to the place shutting down? It's well done regardless.

"I'm super cereal you guys"

The deep frying station...chips and sopaipillas.

Mesoamerican themed bar with lasers shooting out of the eyes of the Mayan dude...

Probably the same guy we saw here last time, playing Spanish guitar.

Peter was scared to go in Black Bart's Cave. But we made him!

What was really funny to me is the voice-overs inside the cave...obviously Trey Parker.

The high treble shrieks...that's my son. Debra may or may not have done things to additionally contribute to scaring him.

Root beer bar, but it was like over $10 for a pull of root beer. Yikes.

So we (Peter) did some quick arcade gaming instead.

Bob Ross branded candy, almost worth saving up tickets for.

Showing off his haul, just a few bits and bobs of candy (not the 600 ticket Bob Ross top shelf stuff).

Heading out, past the mariachi band.

Odin being walked with his new friend. We picked him up and headed off towards Boulder and Estes.

Late check in to a Valhalla dog-allowed cabin, #10. Noting for future reference...don't book this one again. Too close to neighbors, really inconvenient layout. But was good landing here for the night.

Next morning, the mule deers passed by our windows.

Two spotted fauns with mom.

Odin like perching on the couch near the picture window, as one might expect.

Taking him on a brief walk (this is his first trip to the mountains).

The cabin. Pretty, just bad layout and location.

We left Odin and went into the national park. We decided (well, I decided, and then convinced Debra to accept) to take the one-way Old Fall River road up to the Alpine visitor center. Steep drop offs, rutted dirt roads, and extremely sharp switchback turns...it's a fun drive! Since I was driving, no pics. But up at the top.

They spotted elk down here, but I didn't.

Chapin, Chiquita and Ypsilon, that I climbed (finally successfully) two years back.

On the drive back down, lots of elk next to the road while still at high elevation.

Then I went to a local dentist in Estes Park, with my crown...short while later, they had it super-glued back in place. Cost me $150, but nice to have it back in place. Then, to one of the few dog-friendly hikes in the area, and one that our kids knew well...Lily Mountain.

We weren't going to even try to summit. It was more about hiking with this idiot.

I don't know if animals get any feelings / inspiration / happiness out of novel or unfamiliar scenery. Probably not, but I guess I can pretend he liked it!

Always check six.

A quick break for some clambering on rocks.

Kids liked having him there.

A little off-trail exploration.

We got back to the cabin and Pete ran off immediately to go clamber on rocks up the hill. Apparently didn't get enough!

Dog takes the watch. For dinner, I made ravioli (the frozen kind, with a tomato sauce) and the kids weren't a big fan, which is funny, because they prefer the canned kind...which I tolerate, and Debra despises.

Next morning we opted to climb Deer Mountain. I'd call it mild to moderate...6 miles out and back and under 1500ft elevation gain. Longs in the background there.

Slightly better shot of Longs.

First section is a long low mild incline without switchbacks.

Some mule deer on the trail, folks ahead gradually chivvied them up into the treeline.

Squirrel. (You can tell I just did the absolute slog of the Hawaii trip blog, no superfluous wordiness here. I'm in my Hemingway phase.)

The kids did good. Gradual incremental progress.

Estes (and Lake Estes) to the left and St Mary Lake in the center.

Relief at the summit. Awkward moment when this huge (like 30+) party of people asked me to take their picture at the summit. Difficult to say why exactly (maybe my misanthropy flares up more when I'm sweaty and tired at high altitude) but I obliged, only inwardly grudgingly.

We sat, had some dried fruit.

Enterprising squirrels ready to rifle through our bags.

Pete and the rodent.

Summit marker...

Then the long walk back down. This near the end.

The kids moved far ahead on their own. No serious bears here, not like Yellowstone or Glacier.

After that we opted to visit the Stanley, the hotel we've never stayed at but is responsible for inspiring Steven King's The Shining.

It's kind of neat but we weren't going to do a proper tour or anything. Very busy...they get a lot of tourism.

Lovely lobby, though.

Plaque outside the entrance.

The builder of the hotel was a co-founder of the Stanley Motor Carriage company that made steam cars. Lost out to the internal combustion engine.

This room was roped off, but pretty.

We mainly were there because I assumed, correctly, that they would have ice cream. Also because I wanted to spook Peter with the tales of it being haunted. But the Colorado Cherry Company had a shop there and we got ice cream and ate it in the back "yard".

Pete was confused by the meaning of this and conveyed his justifiable confusion clearly.

I don't even know where, but Gretchen found this tiny spider and took a picture with my camera. I think we went swimming. It's a heated outdoor pool and they had it heated MUCH too hot. Felt like a bath. Not refreshing.

Dog still on watch.

For my "birthday dinner", such as it was, I threw together kind of a fancy instant ramen...some shrimp, a spicy Gen Tso's style chicken, peanuts, scallion, cabbage, chilies, and cilantro. And simpler ramen for the others depending on preference.

Next morning the intent was for me to do a solo of Flattop Mountain and Hallett Peak. But that is a big hike and unlike CCY, I was never really inspired to do that hike, it was only attempted by Debra and I as an alternative to the snowed in CCY (and we were stopped by snow eventually there too). But we had tickets to get in to Bear Lake area, so we decided to do the much milder Emerald Lake hike we know and love. It was obvious the parking lot was full so we rode the shuttle from the overflow lot. It was packed, and there was a German or otherwise European asshole guy that Debra would like me to mention...we were standing in the aisle and this guy first got her attention because he was shamelessly manspreading and seemed uncaring to make any space for anyone else. Then at the penultimate stop, the driver and passengers were calling out, trying to confirm if anyone needed out at this stop...he said nothing. After a few people got off, we prepared to press on, but then he yelled angrily that he needed off, as if we in the aisles should have read his mind (so we promptly got out to let him get out, and then got back in). But the attitude he had, when we would have happily all exited to make space for him. Anyway, an example of The Ugly European. Honestly, assholes are universal. Deep Thought for the day.

Off onto the trail.

First stop is Nymph Lake.

The other side of the lake...

Climbing (possibly unnecessarily...save your strength) on rocks.

As we climbed the first lake receded behind and below us.

Water rushing down towards the lower lake through these streams.

Probably pretty cold.

Next lake is Dream Lake.

Lots of fish here...catch and release only though.

It's a longer one and you walk along the edge for a bit.

Better shot of the fish.

Smaller pool above Dream Lake.

A few rocky switchbacks.

Last little section towards the destination.

Emerald Lake.

Pete and I clambered off to the left.

I would swim here, if it were both 1.) allowed and 2.) socially acceptable.

The ladies enjoying the break.

One of several waterfalls feeding it, from glaciers above.

More rock climbing.

Ducks coming in...

Then back down...walking alongside Dream Lake again.

At the bottom Pete was feeling a little bit nauseous so we took a break by Bear Lake.

A bit later we decided to head back.

Look at this luxury! The trip back, when early in the morning, is much less crowded.

We'd promised them McDonalds, so went into town. Elk on the road!

Debra was driving so I got some video.

In downtown Estes, the "Beef Jerky Experience", apparently a tanning salon.

Heading back, I took some videos of a proper elk jam. Debra was driving so I was mostly motivated to capture her reaction.

I had some Dad Jokes prepared. And Gretchen really enjoyed it (the elk, not the jokes).

Gretchen liked seeing the elk calves.

Elk are big!

Back at the cabin, swimming in the boiling hot pool.

Pete trying to maximize the buoyancy here.

Made a simple dinner of smoked sausage and mac and cheese, with panfried cabbage. And then we (kids sequestered in their room, uninterested) watched The Shining, which was topical and fun...I don't know if I've ever seen the whole thing.

Packing up the next morning to head back...deer passing us by uninterested.

Vaya con Dios, amigos.

Walking to the main area, they seemed to follow us almost.

A new addition to this place...air hockey!

Hadn't played this in years.

I won, but only barely.

Gretchen taking my spot.

She also won (Pete was talking a big game so it was probably a just defeat). But each time I said "don't hit it into your own goal", he did, which may have rattled him after it happened like three times, haha.

Out on the road and headed back to Kansas City. And...where are we again?

Yes, any old excuse to eat In-N-Out, we'll take it. We timed our departure to make sure they were open by the time we passed through.

And then getting gas (but not the somewhat forgettable food) in Colby, home of City Wok of South Park fame.

The rest of the trip, pretty normal, but glad to be home! Next time...spread the travel out a bit, good Lord.

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