16 October 2010

Day Seven: North Hollywood, California

Pleasantly restful day, excepting the homicidal intensity of Los Angeles freeway transit. We galloped, galavanted, and generally gallopvanted off to a place of my youth, "Travel Town" in Griffith Park. Basically, a train museum.

Here I am assuring her it will be more fun than she is at the time thinking:

Off and running!

Up in the locomotive:

And one of the empty passenger cars was fun:

...because you can run around like mad in it.

Racing to catch up to mommy and grandma:

But the highlight of the trip was of course getting the plastic toy train whistle, which was mastered within SECONDS! This child is a train whistle prodigy!

Then it was off to North Hollywood, to visit with Gretchen's great-grandad. Fine old chap and a gentleman. I raise my icewater to his health and long[er] life! The girls out front:

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